Description Of The Issue, The Controversy And Its Impact On Health Care Providers
Provide A Description Of The Issue, The Controversy And Its Impact On Health Care Providers.
-Funding primary prevention has been cited as a potential cost containment measure towards controlling skyrocketing health care costs. Define primary prevention and provide examples of how this might be true.
Rubric for Graduate Admissions Writing Sample # _______________
Response and exploration of the content of the article
An insightful, logical and compelling response to the content of the article. The writer’s insights about the impact of the author’s ideas on education are clear and well-supported. (6-7 pts)
A logical response to the ideas presented in the article. The writer’s thoughts regarding the impact of the author’s ideas on education are fairly well supported. (4-5 pts)
The response to the ideas presented in the article lacks depth and/or substance. Presentation of the impact of the author’s ideas on education is weak or non-existent. (1-3 pts)
Discussion A well-focused and coherent discussion that articulates complex ideas clearly and effectively. The writer presents multiple complex ideas. (5-6 pts)
A discussion that is generally focused with some organization and structure. The writer presents some complex ideas. (3-4 pts)
A discussion that lacks coherency and/or lacks the presentation of complex ideas. (1-2 pts)
Key Points Key points present in the article are identified and summarized effectively. (5 pts)
Most of the key points present in the article are identified and summarized. (3-4 pts)
Several key points at the heart of the article are not identified or summarized poorly. (1-2 pts)
Vocabulary and Sentence Structure
Vocabulary choices are precise and sentence structure is varied in a way that is both effective and interesting. (4 pts)
Vocabulary and sentence structure are appropriate and conveys meaning clearly. (3-4 pts)
Vocabulary selected lacks precision and clarity and/or sentence structure may detract from meaning. (1-2 pts)
Mechanics The response reflects effective control of all elements of mechanics including grammar and spelling. (3 pts)
Some minor mechanical errors such as spelling or grammar are demonstrated, but they do not interfere with meaning. (2 pts)
Mechanical errors are serious and interfere significantly with the writer’s meaning. (1 pt)
Total: ____________
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