13 Useful Tips To Revise A Rough Draft Effectively!

After you have finished your rough draft, you have to revise it to make it free from errors. But it is not just about “revising your work” but “revising your work effectively”. Therefore it is important to know the tips to help you accomplish the “revision” part “effectively”. To know them, you must read on:

1.    Check if your topic is focused and comprehensive. Be sure that it meets requirements of your assignment.

2.    Check if your thesis statement answers the following elements:

a.    Short and clear

b.    Addresses a specific problem

c.    Have relevant keywords

3.    Go through each paragraph of your work. Check if it clearly describes the topic sentence with solid evidence and facts. Make sure if you have included relevant examples, references and quotations to support the argument.

4.    Be sure that each of your paragraphs is effective. Check if all paragraphs explain the arguments without leaving any question in minds of the readers. If a paragraph is too short, then it is better to clip it from the paper. And if it is too long, then it should be rewritten or split up into several paragraphs.

5.    Organize the paragraphs in hierarchical order- starting from the strongest argument and ending on the weakest. Or use chronological steps if the time is important.

6.    Make sure if your essay sound coherent. It is necessary to use proper transitional words between sentences and paragraphs so that they make smooth transitions into each other. Combine or trim sentences wherever necessary.

7.    Remove words that have been used more than one time in a sentence. Use synonyms or other alternative words. Refer to your thesaurus.

8.    Be sure to use the most accurate citation style for the type of your paper.

9.    Now, reread your whole work and check if it has any of the following elements:

a.    Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors

b.    Any lapse in format and style of the paper

c.    Any technical words, jargons, abbreviations or loanwords that need to be explained

d.    Any run-on or cluttered sentences

10.    Finally, you must ask yourself the following questions after you have finished reading the paper:

11.    Have I effectively conveyed my message to the readers?

12.    Is there anything missing in my final draft?

13.    Have I used relevant keywords throughout my essay?


•    Use “red” or “green” highlighter while revising your work.

•    After you have revised the “body part”, only then you should rewrite the “introduction” and “conclusion” parts so that they complement each other.

•    If possible, have your work proofread by an expert before submitting it.

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