How to Write a Personal Essay?
Personal essay is a pre-requisite for college admission application. It is generally required before applying for a course in a college. However, you can also write a personal essay in case you are applying for job or requesting a transfer for position within a company. The essay should not give information that you have already incorporated in your college application and rather it should inform the reader about you as a person.
A personal essay should be an honest reflection of the real you. Your essay should be able to speak for your personality. This is why it is important for you to write your own personal essay and avoid copying it from any source as this will not show you in a true sense and is also considered as plagiarism. You can also talk about any skill or talent that you have excelled in the course of time and explain how these skills can play a role in achieving your goals.
Given below are some helpful tips to help your write a winning college application essay:
Make an Outline
Firstly, write a good outline of your essay. Include important details of your essay in it. Remember to add your thesis here.
Start Writing
Afterwards, start writing with an impressive introduction. Here you should state interesting and inspiring facts about your personality to grab attentions of the readers. Introduce your thesis here. In main body, write in detail about what you have stated in the introduction. Give examples and evidence to support your thesis. Finally, finish off your essay with a powerful conclusion. Restate you main points here to link the readers back with the essay.
You need to check and revise your essay for any loophole or error. Make sure that you have organized your essay properly. Check if there is anything missing in your essay. Make sure you have used proper transitional words wherever required in order to make smooth transitions in your essay.
Make it Free from Grammar and Spelling Mistakes
Writing a personal essay demands you to be 100% accurate with your grammar and spelling. Colleges require a personal essay because they want to know you as a person and assess if you are the right person for a course. Some essay examples can reveal you on how to write a personal essay with accurate grammar. On the other hand, an essay grammatically inaccurate and has misspelled words will show you as a careless person and will diminish your chances of getting approval for admission in a course.
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